How to Use Read View in Internet Explorer 11 For Windows 8.1

In Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer 11 comes with two mode, one is the normal Desktop mode and the second is Metro mode. If you open Internet Explorer from Desktop then it gives you visible tabs with address bar. But if you open Internet Explorer from Start Screen then it opens in Metro mode in a border less view and cover the entire screen.

With a lot of improvements and new features, I E 11 has one new feature that surely the Tablet Users going to like, and it is called, Read View.

When you view a web page in Internet Explorer then it is best view in portrait mode but ads cluttering up most of the space and you need to scroll the page from top to bottom. When you click the link for the second page the whole process starts all over again.

Now, enjoy reading a web page and all it its corresponding pages in a neat and clean view. 

  • Right-click on an empty area of the web page to bring the Address Bar. 
  • Click on the Read Icon from the right of the Address Bar and it will strips out all the ads, represents the whole page in a clean view with left to right scroll, with no jumps, or shaking links.
