Prevent Deleting Browser History in Windows 8.1 | Monitor Children Activities Over Internet

It is easy to clear all the tracks of internet activities, just with a click of mouse, and you may never know, what sites your children were visiting behind your back. But now, you can prevent this by disabling the Delete History button.

  • To do this, press Windows + R key, to open run command, and type GPEDIT.MSC. 
  • Navigate to Administrative Templates under Computer Configuration. 
  • Under Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, and then click Internet Explorer. 
  • Expand Internet Explorer, and move to Delete Browsing History. 
  • From right-side pane, double-click on "Prevent Access to Delete Browsing History" and enable this policy. Apply the changes.

Now, you can easily track which website has been visited, because they were no longer be able to Delete the browsing history data.

Keep in mind that, you must close and reopen Internet Explorer, for settings to take effect.

There is still one more glitch in the settings. If you access History bar, from view menu, you can see that, the users are still able to delete a particular site from the history list. To prevent this, you need to enable one more policy from GPEDIT. 

  • Navigate to Delete Browsing History as mentioned earlier. 
  • Double-click on, “Disable Configure History” and enable this policy as well. 

This setting will remove the delete option from the context menu, when a user right-click on history list.

But if your children are smart enough, then they can use In-Private Browsing option from Tools menu, and you may never know, what sites they had visited, because in-private browsing data will not be included in the history.

To prevent them accessing in-private browsing option, open GPEDIT again, and configure one more policy for Internet Explorer. 

  • Under Internet Explorer settings, click on Privacy, double-click on Turn Off In-Private browsing, and enable this policy as well.

Now, they will no longer be able to access in-private browsing option either from tools menu, or through keyboard shortcut.
