Windows 10 Hidden Features - Know Your System Uptime

In Windows, you can easily know that from how long your computer has been running, and can easily find your system uptime. There are various method to know your system uptime. Let’s have a look:
The first method is to use Task Manager. Right-click on your Taskbar and then click Task Manager. Click the Performance Tab, and below you can see your system uptime.
The second method is to use Elevated Command Prompt. Right-click on the Start button, and then click Command Prompt Admin. Click Yes for User Account Control. At Command Prompt type, systeminfo and hit enter key. Scroll the screen upwards, and there you can find System Boot Time.
Another command that you can try at Command Prompt is, net stats SRV, and hit enter key. The Statistics Since are, actually the date and time, when your system was booted up.
The last option to see the System Uptime is to use Window Power Shell. In the Search box, type Power Shell, then right-click on Windows Power Shell, and click Run as Administrator. At Windows Power Shell, run the script line that you can copy and paste from the description below, and then hit the enter key. This power shell script only give you information about the system uptime in days, hours, minutes, seconds, and even milliseconds.
