Microsoft Excel 2016 Tutorial - Page Setup and Printing Worksheets

In this video, we will cover some
basic page setup and printing options, which will be helpful for you, when you
consider printing an Excel worksheet, especially the larger once. Let’s learn
some basic concepts of Page Setup and Print Previewing. When you start working
on a new worksheet or, open a saved workbook, you might not know that either
the entire contents of your worksheet, in width particularly, are getting fit
on a single page or not, because you never have an idea, where the first page
of your worksheet is ending, and new one is beginning, because the entire
worksheet seems a single page.

Even though the entire worksheet is a
single sheet, but not when you consider printing it. So the first thing you
might always consider before start working on an Excel worksheet is, setting up
the Page. For instance, I add another worksheet in this Order Summary Workbook,
and I have no idea whatsoever that, where my first page is ending, either in
width or height. Like either my page width is up to column J or, Column M, and
the same goes with the height. There is no indication that how many rows are
available for my first page, and from where the second page is being started.
So, what you can do to get an exact
idea of the page dimensions? The easiest and simplest method of this is to, see
Print Preview right away when you create a new worksheet or open an older one.
As for this blank worksheet, I click on File menu, and then click on Print. On
the right side pane, you can see a message stating, “We didn’t find anything to
print”, or in older versions of Excel, you might see a dialog box stating,
“Microsoft Excel didn’t find anything to print”. As I already knew that this is
a new blank worksheet, then why would I will try to see a Print Preview.
Because this is a quickest method of knowing your page dimensions. As I go back
to my worksheet, you can see a dotted line between the column, I and J. That
dotted line is indicating that your first page is ending here width wise, and
if you scroll down and look over, then you can see another dotted line between
the row number 53 and 54. It is where my first page is ending height wise.
So in my opinion, this is the quickest
method, and that is what I always use while start working in a new Excel
worksheet, or when I need to see the page dimensions of an older worksheet. I
prefer pressing Control + F2 key as a shortcut to Print Preview command, or you
can also add a Print Preview button to your Quick Access toolbar. You can also
watch our previous video about Introduction to Excel interface, for mode detail
explanation about customizing Quick Access toolbar.
But you might be thinking that how
Excel decides, where to put those dotted lines. This actually depends on the
default paper size, margins, and orientation settings, and those default
settings are gathered by Excel from your printer settings. We recently had
published a video regarding Setting Up your Default Printer Settings, that you
can watch for brief reference.
So if I click on Page Layout tab form
the Ribbon, here you can see and configure various page and printer settings.
For instance, if I click on Size drop down button, you can notice here that the
default paper size is Letter. So when I press the Print Preview button, Excel
checks which paper size has been used, and according to your paper size and
dimensions the dotted line are drawn. Do note that, you must configure the same
paper size in the application that you are going to use in the printer itself.
If I choose B4 as the paper size, then I will make sure that the same B4 size
paper is available in printer tray, and as I choose the new paper size, you can
see that dotted line has moved according to the paper dimensions.
The Margins and Paper Orientation also
effect that how your worksheet will be viewed and printed. For instance, in
this Orders worksheet, I choose the Paper Size A4, and you can see the dotted
lines right away, and when I got to Margins drop down, the margins have been
set to Wide, where Excel is leaving almost 1 inch blank from all the four side
of the paper, and if I Print this worksheet, then I will actually have a print
where all the four sides of the paper will have 1-inch blank space, and that
you can also see right in the Print Preview.
If I change the margins from Wide to
Narrow, you can see the dotted lines has moved a bit further on the page, and
in the Print Preview window, you can see the blank area from the left and right
side of the page has dramatically reduce.
So setting up a right Paper Size and
Margins can help you to properly organize the contents over the sheet, and you
may have prior idea that where your sheet is ending, and do you need to change
the margins, or reduce the font size, so the contents may not go out of the
As you can see that three columns are
still going outside from the Page Width, and if I see the Print Preview, I can
imagine that how these pages are going to print. From a total of 18 pages, 9
pages are of those 3 columns only. What I want to is to adjust these 3 columns
on a single page alone.
In Microsoft Excel, there are various
methods to cover contents over the page, but a few of them are sometimes
totally ignored by the users. For this particular sheet, I can easily cover all
the contents on a single page just by changing the Page Orientation from
Portrait to Landscape, where page dimensions will rotate, the page width will
become page height, and page height will change to page width. This is the most
common method to adjust content over the page, when you have several columns to
settle. But this will also increase the total numbers of pages, like where all
the contents of this sheet could adjust into 9 pages, are now covering 14
pages. So we will see some more options, from where you can adjust the contents
without changing the page orientation.
For instance, the Order Quantity and
Product Container columns. If I scroll down to the bottom, you can see that the
column headings are unnecessarily covering larger width than the actual
contents in these columns. So what I can do here is, I can wrap the headings
down by using the Wrap Text command from the Home tab, and shift the second
part of the headings down by adjusting column width, while increasing the row
height, and even shorten the heading.
You can see that this doesn’t made any
major able effect, but you can still consider this option as sometimes a little
bit contents may be getting outside of the page. In the Region column,
Northwest Territories is covering the vast space. So what I do here is, I
select the entire column and apply Wrap Text, then reduce the column size. But
the problem here now is that the contents are hiding beneath the row height. So
to adjust all the rows at once, while the column being selected, I click the
Format button from the Cells section under Home tab, and then click Auto Fit
Row Height, and in an instance, everything is in place now.
This really has made some significant
change, but still two columns are outside the page area. The Sales column also
unnecessarily covering up a little space by showing more than two decimal
points, which I don’t want. So I select the entire column and change the
decimal point to 2 points, by applying Comma Style from Number group in Home
The last option that I can apply on
this sheet is reducing the font size. To do this, I select the entire worksheet
by clicking on the upper left corner button, and then change the font size from
11 to 8. As every column now has some extra blank space that I can reduce, but
instead of adjusting each column width manually, what I does is to use the Auto
Fit Column Width Command from the Format drop down, and here it goes.
There are still other methods that can
be used to quickly done the job, I will cover them in my next video, but what
important here in this video is to learn, the simple techniques that you can
apply almost on every worksheet. In our next video, we will be covering Page
Break Preview and Shrink To Fit options of Excel, which ultimately be doing the
same thing automatically that we have learned in this video, but you may now
have a better idea that how things go around.
So, hope you will found this video
interesting and useful. If so, then don’t forget to hit the like button, and do
share this video with your friends. Subscribe to our channel for more upcoming
tutorial videos. Thanks for watching, and take care!
